Hydrophil - German start-up company launches bio-degradable sustainable quality toothbrushes in London

Sustainable Lifestyle Consultant - Hydrophil - bamboo-toothbrush-vegan-sustainable.jpg

On a recent shopping trip to one of our favourite organic shops in London, we could not contain our excitement when we discovered a sustainable toothbrush made by "Hydrophil", the German start-up company that focuses on producing innovative sustainable hygiene products. It is exactly one year ago that we had spoken with one of the three founders of Hyrophil to get some information for our research project for a paper we were writing at the Cambridge University about the advantages/challenges of being a sustainable SME in Europe. We instantly liked the sustainable ethos of this company, which was founded in 2013 by three friends and focuses not only on manufacturing vegan & fair trade products but also water neutral products which means that all of their goods are being produced water gently as they only use natural ingredients like bamboo that grow without artificial irrigation. In addition, they only use colours that don’t contain mineral oils or other chemical additives and that therefore don’t leave any residues in the drinking- and groundwater when composted. Their product range currently  focuses mainly on tooth brushes made out of bamboo, soaps, cotton swabs and mouthwash. But this is not all: their toothbrushes are made from a particularly fast-growing bamboo, are bio-degradable, and plastic-free as the bristles are made from castor oil. You can now clean your teeth without unnecessarily polluting the environment, and we are thrilled at the excellent quality of the products we were able to test in London.

We also like that the company donates 10% of their profits to the charity "Viva con Agua", which is a charity focusing on improving sanitary facilities worldwide and giving communities access to clean drinking water in places like Nepal and Ruanda. Viva con Agua is committed to change the abominable fact that some 780 million people worldwide (by a 2016 estimate) still don’t have free access to drinking water. 

Hydrophil products are currently sold mainly in Europe, but we are very happy to see that their products are becoming available more and more in the UK as well.

For more information of Hydrophil: https://www.hydrophil.com/?___store=en&___from_store=en

For more information on Viva con Aqua: https://www.vivaconagua.org/home